Folkes Unfettered Show

Raw Talk | Real People

Meet Gene Folkes, MSOL

Join Gene Folkes, MSOL, and his visionary guests as they engage in unfettered conversations with folks from around the world who share their perspectives on how business, technology, world events, and political policies are affecting our spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being. In a world that is constantly changing, it can be difficult to stay grounded and centered. We are bombarded with information from all sides, and it can be hard to know what to believe. Gene Folkes, MSOL, serves as your guide to improving your Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional Well-Being in a Complex World.

The Folkes Unfettered Show Value Statement

Gene Folkes, MSOL is your guide helping you navigate a world that is constantly changing, it can be difficult to stay grounded and centered. We are bombarded with information from all sides, and it can be hard to know what or whom to believe. This is where Folkes Unfettered comes in. Our channel is dedicated to providing you with the tools and resources you need to navigate the complex world we live in. We do this by hosting conversations with experts from a variety of fields, including psychology, spirituality, technology, and business. Our goal is to help you understand the forces that are shaping our world and how they are impacting your well-being. We also want to provide you with practical strategies for coping with stress, anxiety, and other challenges. Whether you are struggling to cope with the latest news cycle or simply looking for ways to improve your mental and emotional well-being, Folkes Unfettered is here to help.

A message of Gratitude and Thanks from the FIG Family

There are numerous organizations and individuals that have encouraged and inspired me along the way, So, if I forget anyone, please hold it to the limitations of this interview. There are two books that inspired me, 1. Mastery by George Leonard and 2. The Chimp Paradox by Dr. Steve Peters. I recall reading a book entitled Mastery by George Leonard over a decade ago. To this day, it is a book I return to because it reminds me that whenever I am faced with what initially seems to be a difficult task, I know that it will become progressively easier to accomplish and will actually become enjoyable through practice. One of the key takeaways for me is that there are no experts, only learners, so, this encourages me to seek out those learning opportunities that make me a more effective leader and a better person. The second book that influenced me is The Chimp Paradox by Dr. Peters, briefly, the book is about awareness of controlling our emotions in order to deliver our absolute best, whether that is as an athlete or as a universal tool, the concepts presented in the book can help us live a more productive life. Finally, I must give a shoutout to The United States Air Force Recruiting Academy. When I entered the USAF, I was a scrawny, shy, insecure young man, who had come from an unstable home.


Finally, I would like to give a shoutout to my colleagues and producers who work at BBC Radio, BBC TV, ITV, NBC, BlogTalk Radio, and several other illustrious media providers, who convinced me to develop and design The Folk(e)s Unfettered Show, a cinematic podcast highlighting thought leaders on such topics as political policies, technology. and world events encouraging organizations to go beyond words toward strategic solutions. We have interviewed World Leaders, New York Time Bestselling Authors, Presidential Candidates, Congressional Leaders, and leaders from industries representing Entertainment, Philanthropy, and Academia to collaborate on presenting transformational thought leadership on some of the world's most pressing problems.  So, I consider these individuals as a source of encouragement for helping to write my story.